Addendum - Newsletter n.9 October 2009

Stefano Bettio - Designing path of a masterpiece

Origami by Biebi

Designing path of a masterpiece
by Stefano Bettio

<<I was born in Montebelluna in 1975. I started tasting the furnishing world when I was very young as an assistant in a carpenter workshop.

After my degree in technical and mechanical techniques, I started my path in the R & D field in a prestigious manufacturer of office chair components, where I get acquainted to the plastic and resin materials and the 3D modeling.

Booky by Biebi

Here I started designing my first and successful proposals for the company.

Lima by Biebi

Lula Lounge by Biebi

After a few years I started working for the Palluccoitalia Spa, where on behalf of the brand Bellato, I was given the opportunity to pursue my designing experience using the most varied materials, dealing with the engineering.

Giralot by Bellato

The next step was short. I started proposing my know-how in the technical environments with design features, since then my products have appeared on the market.>>

Ray by Klab design

Bombay by Biebi

In 2005 I start working as freelance and the cooperation with (to name but a few), Bellato International, Biebi chairs, Mimo Salotti. Studio 999design, Henge07, Klab design.

Stefano Bettio

Stefano Bettio


via Feltrina sud 8/A
31040 Volpago del Montello - TV - Italy
Tel. +39 393 1514304
Fax +39 0423 3445107