Addendum - Newsletter n.1 January 2009

LucidiPevere - Designing path of a masterpiece

Supersoft by Calligaris

by LucidiPevere

Paolo Lucidi (Udine, year of birth 1974)
After an artistic education Paolo Lucidi is employed at first as industry and office  worker in the furniture industry; afterwards he graduates in Industrial Design at the Politecnico in Milan. He experienced a brief cooperation in the study of Piero Lissoni and for several years he cooperates side by side with Marc Sadler sharing important projects for international companies, such as American Standard Europe and Salvatore Ferragamo.

Luca Pevere (Udine, year of birth 1977)
Graduated in Industrial Design at the Politecnico in Milan, he gained his professional experience with Clinio Trini Castelli and Marco Ferreri, working on all the sides of  project, the quality from the cooperation with Castelli in the projects for Mitsubishi and Hitachi, the rigorous technical approach with the pragmatic Marco Ferreri who received the baton passed by Bruno Munari through the works for Zerodisegno or Magis.

Tess by Softline, Core by Mariani, Repet by Deroma

"Ernesto Caiazza" prize winner at Promosedia 1998 with the Svita project.
"Maniago Design" prize winner in 2005 ith the Taj project
Special nominee for the Young&Design èrizein 2008 with the Mobius piece.

Carioca by Dimensione Disegno

"Although coming from the same area, we met in the Politecnico in Milan. We started cooperating almost for fun; since 2002 we have been working for small production companies seated between Udine and Milan. In 2006 we decided to found the Lucidi&Pever Studio with seat in Milan, eventually moved to Udine.we deal mainly with product design but we also follow company communication and exhibition set-ups.

Mobius by Kristalia

What catches our interest today is to take our time to develop our projects, start the m carefully, going deep in all thei aspects and complete them in all details, even re-discuss them just in the end if the case. Unfortunately many of our customers there is very little time and often they even show little motivation to satisfy this request, so the result won’t reach top-level.

Yannis by Gedy

Therefore we are in constant search of those entrepreneurs who really are ready to risk for their authentic love for the product and not only for the sales proceeds. Who rely on the design and the designer. We think dialogue should march on equal footing, acknowledging the mutual skills and competence.

Laguna by Calligaris

We love to see in these days that there are many small production plants ready to boom out, coherent in their thought, inclined to give the necessary importance to the projects and with a strong sales politic. They can make their own way and in some case even replace some big names a bit drunk with success and prestige, more attentive to the name than to the quality of the product.

ristrutturazione e allestimento spazio urbano lungomare Spalato

It is always very exciting and rewarding to work with one of these young spirited and dynamic companies, we always hope to find another one on our way.

Randa by Debi

We work in many fields and we like it, it gives  us much on the personal side and it is a constant professional challenge. Our studio counts us two only, a conscious choice fit to the current period, where we are forced to sift the works we can take and the ideas we can deepen."

Hook by Arrmet

CLIENTS: Kristalia, Dimensione Disegno, Deroma, Gedy, Novecentoundici, Mariani, Calligaris.

Paolo Lucidi and Luca Pevere

Paolo Lucidi & Luca Pevere


LucidiPevere Studio

via Soreville, 108
33030 Campoformido - UD - Italy
Tel. +39 0432 1821553
Fax +39 0432 662106